How Superior Business Solutions Helped Keep Michigan Safe During a Pandemic with 7 Million N95 Respirators

This time last year, most people were not familiar with terms like PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) or were unable to tell the difference between different types of respirators.
A lot has changed.
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a drastic surge in demand for N95 respirators.
Tim English, VP at our parent brand Superior Business Solutions, explains how they stepped up to provide N95 respirators to the state of Michigan when other suppliers failed to deliver and became a proven supplier of N95 respirators.
Find out exactly what types of N95 respirators Superior Business Solutions was able to provide and just how they were able to succeed when others failed.
Superior Supply Chain Serving the People of Michigan
When PPE like masks and respirators were first identified as necessary, there was a sudden demand and existing supply chains were unable to keep up.
This is understandable since there had never been such a drastic increase in demand for respirators and other forms of PPE.
As people all over the country began desperately searching for the gear needed to keep everyone safe, many suppliers were unable to deliver and there was a lot of uncertainty about whether items could be sourced.
Officials with the state of Michigan quickly enlisted the help of Superior Business Solutions in order to keep residents of the Great Lake state safe.
This makes sense, because Superior Business Solutions has a proven record of almost 100 years of expertise and experience that would make sourcing large quantities of PPE like masks and respirators possible.
Raising to the Challenge
Superior Business Solutions delivered a total of 7 million NIOSHI-approved N95 and FDA-authorized non-NIOSHI respirators that allowed essential workers to do what needed to be done while keeping countless people safe. A staggering 22 different production contracts were fulfilled. All of those numbers are impressive enough, but quality was always prioritized and all of the products delivered met specifications.
What’s more, is Superior Business Solutions was able to quickly and effectively incorporate all of this work without cancelling any production contracts.
Safety First
During uncertain times, it is nice to know there are people you can count on who will do everything they can to not only do a good job but also do what they can to keep people safe.
You can read Tim’s post to learn more about Superior Business Solutions’ proven N95 supplier case study, the role ISO certification played in Superior’s ability to ensure effective processes and procedures, and more.
This part is the first in a two-part series that delves deeper into how Superior Business Solutions was able to meet all of their deliverables.
Helping their home state of Michigan was an easy choice, but it’s important to know that Superior delivers the same degree of service and dependability for all of its customers.
Find out how Superior Business Solutions can help your business with your N95 respirator and PPE needs and check back for the second post in this two-part series.
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